Orthodontic Treatment
Metal Braces, Ceramic Braces, Clear Aligners, Lingual Braces, Self-Ligation Braces, Retainers

Dental Implant Treatment
Immediate and Delayed, Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Gums Treatment
Scaling (Oral Prophylaxis), Gum/Flap Surgery, Crown Lengthening, Root Planing, Depigmentation, Frenectomy

Smile Makeover
Tooth whiting, Tooth Reshaping, Orthgathnatic Plastic Surgery, E-Max Veneer

Full Mouth Restoration
Crown & Bridges, Dentures (Flexible Dentures), BPS Dentures, Precision Attachment

Root Canal Treatment
Painless single visit Root canals, Retreatment RCT, Apicoectomy, Post and Core, Tooth Coloured

Kids Dentistry
Fillings, Space Maintainer, Extractions, Preventive child dentistry (fluoride application, pit and fissure

Oral Surgery
Minimal Traumatic Extraction, Painless Impactions, Abcess Drainage, Jaw fracture